Flexible Screw Conveyors Transfer Bulk Materials Up and In

AFC Spiralfeeder conveys powder up into container

AFC SPIRALFEEDERĀ® Loads Tanks, Drums, Hoppers Fast, Safely, Easily

Clifton, NJ: The SPIRALFEEDERĀ® flexible screw conveyor from process equipment manufacturer Automated Flexible Conveyor, Clifton, NJ, (afcspiralfeeder.com) automatically transfers bulk materials fast, safely, and easily from floor level up and into tanks, vessels, reactors, drums, mixers, hoppers, bag fillers, and other equipment. Replacing the manual handling of heavy bags with an economical, automated solution, the enclosed flexible screw conveyor reduces the risk of worker exposure to toxic materials, ambient dust, and dangerous vapors, spillage and splash while also eliminating the need for ladders and mezzanines for improved ergonomics.

Ideal for conveying powders, pellets, granules, mixtures, and other bulk materials, the SPIRALFEEDER conveyor transfers the dry solids from an integrated hopper up an incline to discharge via a screw auger set inside a plastic tube. The sealed, dust-tight conveying system is available with a wide choice of screw designs to gently transfer any type of material. FDA-compliant models for sanitary processing and explosion-proof models for hazardous materials are also available.

The AFC SPIRALFEEDER is custom-designed and manufactured at the company’s New Jersey facility. Product and material testing are offered in the on-site test laboratory.

For more information, contact Automated Flexible Conveyor, Inc., 55 Walman Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011; 800-694-7271, [email protected]; AFCSpiralFeeder.com.
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